Friday, December 23, 2011

An Ode to a Visionary

As we all know, Dane is officially off the WCT. After releasing a statement two days ago, everyone has thrown there 2¢ in. So here i go.  Yes, I understand he is has never won any type of contest, ever.  I also understand that the stuff he designs for his sponsors are hideous and rarely sell. But whats his worth?  Is it worth having every cool guy in the water proclaiming his prophecy.  Is it worth having him not show up at your event because he is not feeling like surfing (a.k.a. his ribs hurt).  I say yes!  The ASP, like it or not, is really a one sided view of competition.  If it was really based on talent, we wouldn't see Adriano in the top ten.  When you put Einstein in a classroom, he was average at best.  Some people just need to chose there own channels of expression to reach their maximum talent potential.  I will not miss Dane on tour, simply for the fact that watching him on a mediocre web-cam for 30 minute heats every few months will not do justice to the amazing footage he will posting over the next five years.  As hard as the industry is trying to turn Surfing into the NFL 17 game schedule, we shouldn't forget that Surfing is a counterculture movement of expression, not a point scoring game. Cheers to Dane's successful future as progressive visionary.  I'm Tyler Brown "And that's what really grinds my gears". Read Dane's full statement HERE

P.S.- Is it just me or is Dane's chick the Yoko Ono of surfing hahaha. 

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Building an "Empire"

Every few years or so, Hollywood will shine it's light on an Actor or Actress who really changes the game. Someone who seems to be underrated, while overshadowed by teen sensations (Beiber) and reality nobodies (Kim K).  These artists simply portray the epitome of acting.  When you see this person act, you become so entwined with their performance that you forget that person is following a script.  I'm talking Christian Bale- American Psycho, Kate Winslet- Eternal Sunshine, Heath Ledger- Batman, Leo in everything...  These performance set a presence for the career of this star.  Sad as it is, many of them don't make it as big as they should for lack of script choice (Emile Hirsch). Bringing me to my point,  Michael Pitt has set a huge presence in Hollywood over the past two years with his role in Boardwalk Empire.  One can't help but look past Steve Buscemi's stellar leading role performance to find Pitt's exquisite talent.  Mr. Darmody brought the rawness to the show.  He was powerful yet sympathetic, courageous yet so foolish; but overall he set the tone for an "Empire" of a TV series. HBO nailed it on the head for the cast selection, writers, and executive producers.  With the end of Pitt's role on Boardwalk Empire, we shall see if he can further translate his talent to the Big-screen in years to come.  I say further, simply for the fact that we have seen him in Dreamers and Last Days (in which he freakishly looks like Kurt Cobain).   I hope we see more of this guy!


Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Tune In Tuesday's... AMERICA!

Hello again!  I have been on a 2-month hiatus and I am finally back.  It is only right that I came back on a Tuesday for "Tune In Tuesday's".  For the past two months I have been traveling from Mexico to Nicaragua and beyond.  I couldn't have done any of this traveling without my Music.  This weekend we will be celebrating "AMERICA.... Fuck Yeah!",  and what is a 4th of July without a lil Bud heavy (American flag can of course), DIY Fireworks (South of the Boarder (Phantom City) of coarse), and BBQ Music (Girl Talk of coarse).  Yeah, I am bringing you the 154 song Girl Talk "BBQ Playlist".  No, this will not have your party feeling like they just took Adderall because the song is switching every 10 seconds. Gregg Gilliss has blessed us with some 4th of July Bangers. Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Beastie is Back!

After a long hiatus, the Beastie Boys are back with a vengeance. There first single "Make Some Noise" off there new album  is everything you wanted it to be.  The bass and organs give it an old school Beastie feel while their rhymes are still sick decades later.  To add the icing on the cake, their video for this song has a star studded cast.  Elijah hasn't looked this cool since Green Street Hooligans.  Great video and great song, I'm glad to have the boys back.  Enjoy!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

"Tune In Tuesday's" (Shazammmmmm!)

It is crazy how easy it is now-a-days to get a hold of some amazing music.  Not only can you go to a music blog and discover a new artist everyday, but you can also rediscover some oldie but goodies.  I am still amazed every time I use Shazam, at how the damn thing works.  Like, is there a team guys that when you tap tag they all guess at what song it is.  I understand the concept, but it's still amazing.  I tend to tag songs and then never download them. I just went to my list of Tags and thought to myself, "why did I ever Tag this"?  So I felt I would share my random tags with everyone for "Tune In Tuesday's".  DON'T JUDGE, JUST ENJOY! 

Party Up...

Playboy recently put out it's highly anticipated "Americas Top Party Schools" list. This list not only gives every college frat dude a reason to brag and be the most obnoxious kid in the bar, but it also helps every high school senior narrow his list of colleges.  At least it did for me!  This is why I chose the University of Central Florida. I saw a lot of potential in this school to be one of the sickest schools out.  So when I saw that UCF was ranked #9 I wasn't impressed.  Not only was it the only non-major University, but they listed the lamest reasons for why it was ranked.  So I took matters into my own hands and I made a list of the TOP 10 REASONS UCF SHOULD BE RANKED #1. I probably forgot a few, but feel free to comment.

10: College students favorite DJ, Diplo, and favorite comedian, Daniele Tosh, are both UCF alumni.

9:Once a year UCF buys all it's students free tickets to Universals Island of Adventure.  56,000 drunk kids riding roller coasters,  I'd hate to clean that up.

8:Our SGA books better concerts then Coachella! Just to name a few, Tiesto and Wiz Khalifa on 4/20. (Although this might look like a festival, this picture is at UCF Arena)

7: Blatter Bust (free drinks until someone goes to the bathroom) is among many of the local college bar drinking specials.  Yes, UCF students rather piss there pants then pay for there drinks.

6: Michael Jordan and his two sons can be found blackout on any given night, at any local college bar (like in this pic).

5: While most colleges are tailgating in frigid cold weather, doing keg stands in there Sunday Best (Anything that end's in EE's: SperrEE's, KhakEE's, and CrocEE's).  Meanwhile, UCF girls are raging in there Bikini's and people are doing slip-n-slides up in down MAGIC MALL.

4: This is our Rec pool.  Nuff Said!

3:  UCF is a stones throw from both Mons Venus and South Beach.  Also Nuff Said!

2: Not only do we not have to live in same sex dorms, but our dorms were hotels and have a bar on the first floor (noted on the playboys list). Furthermore, it was cheaper to live with your best friends in a lake-house then it was to live on campus.

1: Being the #2 largest college with 56,000 kids, you can imagine how many of them are hot girls. Tan ones, sorry Boulder.

P.S.- Playboy ranked UGA #7 and talked about how they are a football school.  Meanwhile they quoted about UCF, "though the school’s football team is unexceptional, prodigious tailgating makes up for any lack of athletic prowess ", last time I checked UCF beat Georiga. Just saying! 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Tune In Tuesdays! (Rub-a-dub-dub)

This post is for all you Dub Step fanatics.  Just when you thought Diplo couldn't get any bigger he gets his own cartoon.  You heard that correctly, Diplo and Switch will be getting there own Major Lazer cartoon on Adult Swim.  If that doesn't sound rad enough for you, reggae demigod Lee "Scratch" Perry will also have a role in the show.  If you have seen any of his videos such as "Percumajor" you can guess what it will be like.    So in honor of this show, here is a little mix.  Enjoy!

Friday, April 8, 2011


I find it funny how the word remix is synonymous with rap.  I love when people say how rap is horrible because all they due is sample other peoples music.  While this is very true, it is done in all aspects of music/art.  This is what makes music appealing to the brain.  The brain enjoys the familiarity of riffs and melodies.  This is why it's easy to hear a new song and instantly be attracted to it, or have it be familiar to you.  This is why remixes or remakes are so appealing, because it gives you a new perspective of something familiar. Andy Warhol became famous not because he was the best painter, but because he took something familiar (Campbell's Soup can) and gave people a new perspective of it.  Here are two perspectives on the similarity of music. Enjoy!

Everything is a Remix Part 1 from Kirby Ferguson on Vimeo.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Tune in Tuesdays... (Jay Z remix)

Jay Z must have been on my blog, because he just did his own spin-off.  Yesterday, Jay Z launched his new website called Life+Times.  This blog was well created with cool graphics, great navigation, and amazing articles.  The site is gonna blow up,  just like everything else Jay Z does. Check out the site here and you will see how he has been doing it for over a Decade.  In honor of his new site I have made a collection of some of my favorite Jay songs over the years for "Tune in Tuesday's".  Enjoy!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Kenny Fucking Powers

Last night was the usual Friday, good food, good beer, and good friends.  The night was slowly wrapping up, but guess who came out of the wood works.  That's right Mr. Kenny Powers!  OK, so maybe not Danny McBride, but this guy was a clone.  I had to snap a pic.  Thanks to my girl Daniele for jumping in and getting the shot.  Your fucking out, I'm fucking in!

Measure it up for yourself.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Old Man Winter is Dead

Not to jinx it, but Winter "11 is over.  With the beginning of April on it's way I hoping this will be the last cold weekend.  Although it was a blast, this felt like the never ending winter.  With tons of crazy snow storms and below freezing temps, I'd like to bid this winter adieu.  So here are some of my favorite picture from this winter, with some of my favorite people. All photo's were taken via iPhone. Click pictures to enlarge.

The Bay!

Random Buccs fans after a missed extra point by the Skins.  Thanks Gano!

Erie shot of Jordan on the beach.

The Brown Bros!

Lindsey @ the ALL 80's ALL DAY event.

West Virginia Mountain Momma!

Chesapeake Bay.  Home Sweet Home!

The Eddie Aikau paddle out! It's as if he opened the clouds.

The 10 man himself.  I swear this was taken on my iPhone! One of my favorite pics.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Friday, March 25, 2011

Help Japan !

There is no way to escape seeing the horror story of what happened in Japan.  It's every where you look.  The aftermath may not have effected most of us yet, but it will in the very short future. Donation opportunities are around every corner, but I found a couple cool and creative ways to donate.  So if you have a second check these places out and help a country in a time of need.  

We have all heard the story of 1000 cranes for Japan. These cranes are said to bring you good luck and prosperity.  So check out this website and get your crane.

You can also get a Shepard Fairey signed and numbered print to help the relief efforts.  Not only are you helping Japan, but your getting a signed print from one of the most well known artist of our time.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Tune In Tuesdays

Here's a little work music! Old and new songs that will get your Tuesday going.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

A Good Laugh

Nothing cures a St. Patty's Day weekend hangover quite like a good laugh.So here it is!

Thursday, March 17, 2011


What a great day for Accordion's, solving Mickeys cap puzzles,  dropping Jameson/Bailey's into a tub of Guinness, and small green ginger's.  Happy St. Patty's Day! Here's an amazing video about an unknown Irish subculture and some drinking tunes, if these don't pump you up for St. Patty's nothing will.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Vaycay anyone?

Whether you just got a new iPad or need a good Duffel, nothing says unique like temple bags.  I have been hooked on these rugged styled bags for a while and can't find anything on the market as nice as these.  Temple bags are all made from repurposed war materials and they are classy.  Peep the bags for yourself Via Temple.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

No Sleep Till... May 3rd!

Beastie Boys' cover art for their new album "Hot Sauce Committee Part Two."  This album was supposed to drop in '09, but didn't due to the misfortune of Adam "MCA" Yauch's battle with cancer.  The album is dropping May 3 and will include the likes of Nas and Santigold.  This one should be a banger! 

Tune In Tuesdays

Every Tuesday I will be posting a new song that I havn't been able to get out of my head. In the future I will be posting playlists.  I know this one might be a little played out, but I still blast it.

Where's Julian?

Quiksilver just released this 24-minute free full-length video titled "Moments".  The video reiterates how much talent this surf industry powerhouse is packing.  Julian Wilson aside the first 11 minutes of this video covers every type of surfer a surf guru could ask for.  From your artistic shredding Dane to your CT heavy hitter Kelly to a laid-back Rasta-esc Craig "Ando" Anderson.  Enjoy!